Don’t vote for Nottingham City Council House two tier rent increase!
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Scrap the Bedroom Tax Defend Council Tax Benefits is urging council house tenants not to vote for a divisive rent increase which could hit those who are already struggling to pay their rent including those who cannot pay bedroom tax, harder than others.
Nottingham City Council has given tenants only 7 days notice to vote for just two options:
- Option 1 as: “4.68% [rent increase] for responsible tenants, otherwise 7.5% [rent increase]”.
- Option 2: 5.48% increase for all.
Our group say tenants should refuse to choose Option 1 (two tier rent increase) and should return the questionnaire refusing both options if they think the across the board rent increase (option 2) is too high – Council house rents have increased by over a third in the last five years.
We say that the two tier option adds an unnecessary layer of complexity to rent charges, that information about the two tier option is unclear and information on the leaflet about who is not eligible for the lower rent increase is not complete.
To complete the questionnaire go to:
To contact Scrap the Bedroom Tax Defend Council Tax Benefit Nottingham contact: defendcounciltaxbenefits